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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Paperless billing-a cost effective and sustainable solution?

“Eco friendly” and “budget friendly” don’t always go hand in hand. But paperless billing is one of those rare measures that checks both boxes – all while keeping customers happy.  This is simply because getting a bill to a consumer in a traditional way takes lots of time, effort and money that can be avoided. However, by using modern internet technology, the bill issue time can be reduced, the effort to get the bill out can be lessened and costs can be squeezed or in some cases eliminated.

Let’s look a look at some of the specific wins:

Any business of any size or type wins on cost.  On the direct or visible cost side, there’s less paper, less envelopes, less ink, less postage. Even though these are often significant in and of themselves there are also big potential cost reductions on the indirect or more hidden side of things...less customer support (handling queries or phone-in payments) and much less time spent on reconciliation. In addition, online bill presentment and payment has been shown to lead to much quicker settlement by the customer-which substantially aids cash-flow for a merchant. All these savings add up.

The customer wins – This includes eliminating or simplifying the tasks of organising bills, querying them and being able to make payments (all being possible safely and securely at a single web site typically with a few clicks). Paper free means more free time for the bill payer, and less to worry about when dealing with paper (including having to put the bill or invoice somewhere safe, finding it when needed and even losing it occasionally).

The environment wins.  Paperless billing is a simple but significant step that every business can take with a little focus, effort and determination.  Less paper means less use of trees and less transportation (and petrol), reducing a merchant’s carbon footprint. Not all customers will be happy to turn off paper immediately but some will and they will slowly encourage the others to do the same.

So Paperless billing  is a worthy goal for all merchants
Whether you’re a large merchant billing tens or hundreds of thousands of customers, or a small business raising a handful of invoices, on-line billing at an aggregation site (such as PaySwyft) is a pain free way to trial the paperless option.

Merchants can raise some or all of their bills online...or test dual billing with late payers and measure the impact on cashflow...or if they prefer, give customers a straight choice: paper or paper free.

Paperless Billing: at a glance:

Merchants are saving money on...

·        Printing paper bills

·        Fulfilment, postage and franking

·        Undeliverable mail

·        Chasing late payments

·        Handling manual payments

·        Archiving paper bills

·        Reconciliation/bill matching

Customers are saving time on...

·        Checking and paying bills

·        Hunting for previous bills

·        Checking funds and means to pay

·        Writing and posting cheques

·        Waiting for a merchant to be open for business

·        Talking to customer services

·        Worrying over lost cheques and late delivery

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Will Mobile Phones Become the Dominant Channel for Bill Delivery?

There are now a multitude of channels available to customers to pay their bills. These channels include:

1. Print and mail (paper-based)

2. Fax

3. Email with embedded data

4. Data interchange (system-to-system)

5. Email with PDF and/or link to on-line

6. Online (customer portal)

7. Mobile (MMS; HTML; WAP; USSD)

8. Mobile via App

9. Mobile Tablet

10. Emergent technology (via cable TV etc)

Only print and mail on the above list existed as an option until around 30 years ago when fax arrived and 25 years ago when email came along (both of which still have quite a strong following today). Data interchange options were mainly evolved and used in the B2B rather than direct Business to customer or B2C space but again are still around today as a strong channel, supported in the main by large international software companies, who have sufficiently large installed volumes to want to protect their position in the billing market.

Web based technology has driven the greatest change in the billing space in the last 10 years or so and seen the emergence of both consumer and merchant portals (for presentment and payment) and the use of mobile technology as 3G and 4G have made the internet available to mobile phones.
Even though each of these channels presents a new and perhaps better and more convenient choice to a given customer (and are often presented as the channel to replace earlier channel choices) in reality, they are often just additional options. In other words, consumers have shown time and time again that they like the extra choice but do not necessarily want to be driven too quickly to only one channel (however “efficient and effective” it is presented to be).
The implication of customers wanting lots of channel choice to both view and pay their bills is that the same bill may need to be presented and rendered possible to pay in several channels, at least for now.
Today’s challenges
Some technology experts are starting to say that customers will be move rapidly away from e-billing to m-billing (m for mobile of course) in the next few years. Modern mobiles can certainly handle very complex tasks today - just look at the hundred of thousands of Apps available for all different platforms. These Apps can do complex tasks, even generating bills “on-the-fly”. A mobile can also handle a simple task such as bill presentment with ease today – in some cases on quite a detailed basis (even though reading it may present quite a challenge!). However, viewing a PDF bill attachment on a mobile (as opposed to a tablet) is often a long scrolling exercise, making it impractical in most cases. There is a solution to this but it needs the biller to solve the problem of displaying their bills in more flexible ways according to the kind of mobile platform to which it is being delivered. In this way, a customer can see a simple version of the way and then “drill into the detail” as they wish when they want to see itemisation. 

However, perhaps all of this is a false dilemma. In the final analysis, customers do not care if a bill is delivered to their computer, their tablet or their mobile (or even all three). In fact, many want to see it delivered in as many ways as possible to allow maximum flexibility, including by email or by PDF attachment and even in the physical mail or fax on some occasions. This multi-channel approach is therefore a customer centric approach. The challenge for billers then is how to provide as many of these channels as possible at the lowest coat possible. In the end there is only one solution to this –use a full digital bill presentment and payment portal such as PaySwyft for example. This not only means that a bill can be sent in all 9 of the current channels above but means that a biller would be well-placed to take advantage of the new emergent technologies that will come along as in the near future.